The data on this website is research level and subject to change. For further information please contact Marek Zreda: email: ph: +1 (520) 621 4072 COSMOS probes are field calibrated by taking volumetric samples at depths of up to 30 cm and distances of up to 225 m from the probe location. In the calibration table, the headers are: ______________________________________________________________________________ Label The unique id of the volumetric sample. Loc The location where the sample was taken, given as compass direction (eg N for North, SE for South-East) and distance in meters (25 for 25 m from the probe). Depth The depth (cm) range at which the sample was taken. Vol? For some samples the sample volume could not be determined. If 'Vol.', a volumetric sample was made, otherwise '---' for a gravimetric sample. Total Wet (g) The weight (g) of the sample + container before drying. Total Dry (g) The weight (g) of the sample + container after drying. Tin (g) The weight (g) of the sample container. Soil Wet (g) The weight (g) of the sample before drying. Soil Dry (g) The weight (g) of the sample after drying. GWC (%) The percentage change in sample weight due to drying. BD The bulk density of the sample. VWC (%) The percentage volumetric water content of the sample. ______________________________________________________________________________ To calibrate the probe, the mean corrected counts (Level 2 data) is determined for the period over which the calibration was conducted. The mean counts are used with the mean volumetric water content to compute N0, the maximum count rate as defined in Equation A1 of Desilets et al (2010): Maximum count rates are then given as 'Maximum Count Rate (/hour)' for each probe, and listed on the probe homepage.