The probe is located near the center of Coweeta Watershed 2 (WS2), a 12 ha catchment within the 2185 ha Coweeta Hydrologic Lab (USDA Forest Service), at an elevation of approximately 800 m. Runoff from WS2 has been recorded continuously since 1934. Vegetation consists of mixed hardwood forest (oak/hickory), 85-90 years old, with an understorey of rhododendron and mountain laurel. Soils are weathered ultisols with shallow organic layer (5-10cm) and a sandy loam mineral layer (~30 cm) overlying deep saprolite and regolith (6 to 7 meters in some locations). WS2 has served as a reference (undisturbed) watershed for experimental treatments at Coweeta.
The probe is mounted near heavily instrumented hillslopes that measure shallow water tables (7 wells) and soil moisture (30 TDR probes) within WS2. Air temperature and relative humidity are recorded at each hillslope, and a US Forest Service climate station is located approximately 100 m away. The Coweeta Ameriflux tower is located approximately 1.25 km away.